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The Dangers of a Nuclear Power Future. What we need to know

Windscale in Cumbria suffered serious damage in a fire in 1977. The incident was hushed up although many suffered from the outcome with cancer resulting in death of many. A Wikipedia article states: "the Windscale fire of 10 October 1957 was the worst nuclear accident" in the U.K. It has been estimated there have been 100 to 240 cancer facilities in the long term, with people still suffering it's effects now in 2023. It is etsimated it will take 100 years to clear up "the mess" at a cost of £260 billion.

A number of eminent people gave evidence at the Windscale Public Inquiry, 1977 who had become convinced of the dangers of pursuing a nuclear future and re-opening Windscale. They included Arthur Scargill, President of the National Union of Mineworkers (Yorkshire Area) and Chairman of Energy 2000, Sir Kelvin Spencer, Ministry of Power Chief Scientist (1954-1959), Colin Sweet, expert in the economics of nuclear power, Lesley Grainger, National Coal Board Member, Gordon Thompson, expert on the potential fallout from nuclear accidents

and Sister Rosalie Bertell, expert on leukaemia caused by nuclear radiation.

All gave evidence against nuclear power.

Concerned scientists have given an acoount of accidents which have occurred in nuclear power plans globally:

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David Jacobsen
David Jacobsen
Aug 23, 2023

Progres sives remark - ' trade unionism had alot of the stuffing knocked out of it in the 1980's in a story too well-known to need retelling here!' - The 1970's and 1980's was the height of organised working class, trade unionist, socialist militancy in Britain, inspired and led in no small measure by the NUM and its leaders.

"Unfortunately, the British working-class movement promises to serve for a long time to come as a sad example of how the Labour movements' divorcement from Socialism leads of necessity to its becoming shallow and bourgeois in character " Lenin, Proletay no23 October 31(18), 1905.

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